Natasha Helfer Parker leads a panel discussion with Jennifer Finlayson-Fife and Lisa Butterworth in regards to the recent news of Rob Porter’s ex-wives speaking up about the physical and emotional abuse they experienced in their marriages. The intersection of domestic…
Category: Divorce
096: Ecclesiastical Advice Gone Wrong
071: Mixed-Orientation Marriage – A Wife’s Perspective w/ Carol Lynn Pearson
Natasha Helfer Parker interviews Carol Lynn Pearson regarding the experiences she had being the heterosexual spouse in a mixed-orientation marriage. Carol Lynne provides a frank and vulnerable personal account as to how she and Gerald came to the decision to…
014: Impact of and Healing from Infidelity Part 1
Natasha Helfer Parker interviews Adam Fisher, regarding infidelity and its implications for marital and family systems. They discuss different forms of betrayal/infidelity, how couples can navigate through the tremendous pain which follows, how some marriages will dissolve and other marriages…