164: False Reporting

Katherine Wela Bogen joins Natasha on this episode of Mormon Mental Health to discuss the data behind false reporting. She made a facebook post during the Brett Kavanaugh hearings when Christine Blasey Ford spoke out about her experience with Kavanaugh in high school. The post went viral and you can find it here:


Katherine is a clinical research program coordinator at Rhode Island Hospital in the department of Psychiatry, working in violence protection research for over 3 years. She started out as a pediatric violence resistant research assistant at the University of Pittsburg Medical School, working with vulnerable populations.

Bogen is currently collaborating on a chapter with her boss,Dr. Lindsay Orchowsky, and with Alan Berkowitz who was one of the founding fathers of “Social Norms Theory.” They are collaborating on a chapter that will be in “The Handbook for Interpersonal Violence” to be published in 2020. The chapter is on false reporting and how common (or uncommon) false reporting is, what some of the barriers to reporting are to begin with, how false reporting is qualified, etc.

You can find Berkowitz “An Overview of the Social Norms Approach” paper here: http://www.alanberkowitz.com/articles/social%20norms%20approach-short.pdf


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Natasha Helfer Parker runs an online practice, Symmetry Solutions and writes at The Mormon Therapist for Patheos: Hosting the Conversation of Faith. She also hosts the popular podcasts, Mormon Mental Health & Mormon Sex Info and creates the sex educational resource, Sex Talk with Natasha.

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