063: Autism Spectrum and Sexuality

Stephanie-BuehlerNatasha Helfer Parker interviews Dr. Stephanie Buehler on the sexual and relational challenges/strengths those with high functioning autism spectrum disorder can bring to the table.  They discuss diagnostic criteria, statistics, challenges and experiences marital partners often report, communication dynamics and sexual strategies.

The Buehler Institute

Sex, Love and Mental Illness: A Couple’s Guide to Staying Connected

What Every Mental Health Professional Needs to Know about Sex

Tony Attwood: What is Asperger’s Syndrome?

Number of Early Childhood Vaccines Not Linked to Autism

Vaccines Do Not Cause Autism

The Journal of Best Practices: A Memoir of Marriage, Asperger Syndrome, and One Man’s Quest to be a Better Husband

Loving Someone with Asperger’s Syndrome: Understanding and Connecting with your Partner

Many thanks to The Lower Lights for the beautiful bumper music and to Brian Dillman for audio production of this podcast.  Natasha Helfer Parker runs a private practice in Wichita, KS and writes at The Mormon Therapist for Patheos: Hosting the Conversation of Faith.

Donations to Mormon Mental Health are tax deductible and go directly to support the costs of producing the podcast.  If and when donations exceed these costs, they will go to support trainings, research, materials development, projects of the Mormon Mental Health Association and financial support for those who need help affording appropriate therapy services.



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