040: The Mormon Mental Health Association (MMHA)

Mormon Mental Health Association


Our First Annual Conference Is Around The Corner - PLEASE HELP SPREAD THE WORD!

our first annual conference is around the corner – please help spread the word!

The Mormon Mental Health Association (MMHA) is excited to announce their first annual conference in Salt Lake City Utah, July 31st from 6:00-9:00pm (2 CEU credits). Come join with other clinicians, educators and advocates working with the Mormon population to learn, network and collaborate. Our keynote speakers will be Dr. Jennifer Finalyson-Fife, PhD and Dr. Michael Buxton, PhD.
1.5 CEU credits available.
The Mormon Mental Health Association (MMHA) is a newly formed professional association for mental health providers, clinicians, educators and advocates who are interested in or are working with the Mormon population. MMHA is interested in increasing training, research, strategy, collaboration and education in the mental health treatment of Mormons, helping ensure that this population’s needs are being met by trained professionals who adhere to professional ethics codes. This would include the ability to respectfully and adequately treat and educate Mormons self-identifying in any manner of religious belief or non-belief, sexual orientation or preference, gender identity, or any other area through an evidence-based, best-practice approach. MMHA wants to help provide professionals with the tools and resources they need to succeed in the work they engage in with Mormon clients, family systems and community programs. MMHA plans on hosting an annual training conference, as well as offer a referral list of professionals willing to sign our Code of Ethics for the public to use as a resource referral network. Please pardon our dust as we establish and grow with you 🙂
About Us:
The MMHA was founded by Natasha Helfer Parker, LCMFT in June of 2014 under the support of the Open Stories Foundation. It is led by a Board of Directors that include:

  • President: Natasha Helfer Parker
  • President-Elect: Kristin B. Hodson
  • Treasurer: Martin Erickson
  • Secretary: Jennifer Rooney-White
  • General Board Member: Michelle Eakin
  • General Board Member: Jennifer Finlayson-Fife
  • General Board Member: Kevin Kloosterman
  • Student/Intern Representative: Adam Fisher

For more information, please contact Natasha Helfer-Parker at:natasha.parker@sbcglobal.net

mormon mental health association first annual conference

thursday, july 31st, 6-9pm

10695 auto mall dr


For more information and to purchase ticketsvisit the event page on Eventbrite.


  • 6:00-6:30 Opening and Welcome
  • 6:30-8:00 Presentation
  • 8:00-9:00 Association discussion, brainstorm and 2015 planning. We hope you will come and share your ideas with us on how this Association can be helpful for you, your practice and your professional goals.


Drs. Buxton and Finlayson-Fife will be presenting on common ethical and professional concerns that can arise when treating a Mormon clientele.  They will open the field to discuss current issues with which our LDS clients…and we…are heartily grappling with in a wide-open, information-rich, relationally-connecting world.  How do we extract the best and most liberating beliefs and practices of the LDS religion from the most damaging?  What themes do we need to be most aware of that may come up when working with LDS clients? How do mental health professionals navigate their own spiritual or religious journeys after years of empathizing with the marginalized?  How do we check our own biases along the way? How do we manage when best-practice treatments do or seem to contradict LDS belief and practice?


Michael S. Buxton, Ph.D., MFT is an Associate Clinical Professor of Counseling Psychology in BYU’s Counseling and Psychological Services, and in private practice.

Jennifer Finlayson-Fife, Ph.D. is a private practice clinician in Chicago.  She works primarily with LDS clients around issues of sexuality and desire.

Michael and Jennifer recently gave a presentation at the annual conference of the American Association for Sexuality Educators, Counselors and Therapists in Monterey, CA, entitled Help for the Godly: Resolving Impasses with Sexually Conservative Clients.

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