039: Surviving Sexual Assault within an LDS Community Part 3


The sequence in this last piece of the interview was spliced incorrectly – so when you think it ends, it doesn’t.  We are working on correcting this as soon as possible.

Natasha Helfer Parker interviews Chelsea Weidmann regarding having been sexually assaulted on several occasions in her life – the youngest being during nursery at church.  They discuss openly some of her experiences – so please be aware that this interview may be triggering to some of those who may be going through their own sexual assault recovery process.  Please also be aware that every recovery process from sexual assault is unique and different.  Things that Chelsea experienced or found useful – may not be things that will apply to everyone in similar situations.  This interview is meant to be an open dialogue about a generally taboo topic in our culture in hopes of helping others who have been assaulted, as well as helping family members, friends and church leaders know better how to respond and support those in their circles.  Comments will be carefully moderated to protect the safe space we have attempted to create through this setting.

Chelsea has a BA from BYU in English Language and Literature.  She recently finished her certification in American Ballet Theatre’s National Training Curriculum and has been teaching ballet for 15 years as well as working as a guest artist with local dance companies.  She’s been married for 11 years and has two children.

The Courage to Heal 

The Courage to Heal Workbook

The Sexual Healing Journey

The Path to Wholeness by Carol Tuttle from an LDS Perspective that some have found helpful

National Sexual Assault Hotline – 1.800.656.HOPE

Many thanks to The Lower Lights for the beautiful bumper music and to James Estrada of Oak Street Audio for audio production of this podcast.

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