Episode 126: Processing the Process of Dying

Natasha Helfer Parker interviews Sue Bergin of Symmetry Solutions, a clinical chaplain, in regards to her history having worked in a hospice setting for many years. What types of things did she hear from those she served… both from the perspective of the dying and also their loved ones.

Sue Bergin has 11 years of experience as a personal coach with emphases in faith crisis/faith transformation, LGBTQAI, relationship clarity, setting boundaries, self-care, perfectionism, chronic illness, life-threatening illness, end-of-life coaching (including facilitation of family meetings), and adaptation to unmarried life. She was certified as a clinical chaplain with a counseling emphasis by the College of Pastoral Supervision and Psychotherapy (2008) and has a pending certificate in Positive Psychology Coaching from the Whole Being Institute in Hardwick, Massachusetts (December 2017).

Sue has experience with childlessness, family members with severe addictions, caregiving for a disabled brother, death (two siblings), and faith transition. She’s been a foster parent to a daughter who identifies as gender fluid and co-parented two gay brothers who are 16 years younger. She’s also written a book about her ongoing recovery from perfectionism, Am I a Saint Yet? Healing the Pain of Perfectionism (2012). Sue collects original art, widely explores spiritual and religious traditions, and is a collage artist.

St George Faith Transitions Retreat

BYU Magazine


Natasha Helfer Parker runs an online practice, Symmetry Solutions and writes at The Mormon Therapist for Patheos: Hosting the Conversation of Faith. She also hosts the popular podcasts, Mormon Mental Health & Mormon Sex Info and creates the sex educational resource, Sex Talk with Natasha.

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