178: A Personal Story: Gay Son’s Death after Exclusion Policy Announcement

Natasha Helfer Parker interviews Alyson & George Deussen.  They are  members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints who lost their son,  identified as gay, to suicide almost three years ago after the exclusion policy had been announced.
They discuss, among other things, their response to the policy reversal announced recently.
Alyson and George have found a great community in affirmations. To find out more, please visit: affirmations.org.
Please visit https://www.natashaparker.org/ for upcoming events.

To help keep Mormon Mental Health going past 2019, please consider donating at mormonmentalhealth.org.

Natasha Helfer Parker runs an online practice, Symmetry Solutions and writes at The Mormon Therapist for Patheos: Hosting the Conversation of Faith. She also hosts the popular podcasts, Mormon Mental Health & Mormon Sex Info and creates the sex educational resource, Sex Talk with Natasha.

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