168: Kevin Kloosterman and RO-DBT Therapy

Kevin Kloosterman, MS, LMFT, joins Natasha on this episode of Mormon Mental Health. Kevin shares his experience with Radically Open-Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (RO-DBT).
RO-DBT is an evidence-based treatment developed by Dr. Tom Lynch, PhD and is informed by over 20 years of clinical and experimental research.  RO-DBT has proven to be successful in helping individuals with a wide range of challenges that have emotional over-control at their core, including persistent depression, treatment-resistant anxiety, eating disorders, and autism spectrum disorders.

RO-DBT focuses on growth within three core components: openness, flexibility, and social connectedness.  The goal of RO-DBT is to help individuals develop new ways of thinking and behaving that promote openness to social and environmental feedback, feelings of social safety, and ultimately the ability to form genuine connections with others.  This is done through a series of skills training classes and individual therapy sessions that focus on self-enquiry, empathy, and warm acceptance of emotions, thoughts and behavior.

Kevin has been a former bishop and served on the board of the Mormon Mental Health Associations (mormonmentalhealthassoc.org). To find out more about Kevin, you can go to his website: https://relationquest.com/about-us
To help keep Mormon Mental Health going past 2019, please donate at mormonmentalhealth.org.
Natasha Helfer Parker runs an online practice, Symmetry Solutions and writes at The Mormon Therapist for Patheos: Hosting the Conversation of Faith. She also hosts the popular podcasts, Mormon Mental Health & Mormon Sex Info and creates the sex educational resource, Sex Talk with Natasha.

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