166: Bringing the Voice of an Autistic Child to the World

Tresa Edmunds joins Natasha on this episode of Mormon Mental Health. Tresa is a writer, advocate and entrepreneur. In this episode she discusses her experience caring for her child who has autism spectrum disorder and what this diagnosis is about from one mom’s perspective and how to deal with it (spoiler alert: self-care.)

She discusses how her job is not to be the voice of her son but to share his voice with the world.

Tresa can be found online, going by the name of “Reese Dixon,” on Mormon Feminist Housewives: http://www.feministmormonhousewives.org/fmh-bloggers/reese-dixon/

As well as her blog: http://www.reesedixon.com

She has recently started a self-care subscription service for self-care gear which can be found at: haventreebox.com

Tresa recommends the “Ring Theory” when it comes to comfort and relationships: https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/promoting-hope-preventing-suicide/201705/ring-theory-helps-us-bring-comfort-in

To help keep Mormon Mental Health going past 2019, please consider donating at mormonmentalhealth.org.

Natasha Helfer Parker runs an online practice, Symmetry Solutions and writes at The Mormon Therapist for Patheos: Hosting the Conversation of Faith. She also hosts the popular podcasts, Mormon Mental Health & Mormon Sex Info and creates the sex educational resource, Sex Talk with Natasha.

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