158: Joelle Casteix and Sexual Assault Advocacy

Joelle Casteix joins Natasha on this episode. Joelle is a sexual assault advocate having worked with SNAP and is currently with STOP.
Joelle shares her story of sexual assault while a student at a Catholic school where the heads of the school knew what was happening, silencing her as a teenager. She goes into detail with similarities between her religion, Catholicism, and Mormonism.
Natahsa and Joelle discuss what survivors can do, what leaders can do and what members/friends can do to help sexual assault victims.
To visit STOP, please go to https://stop.team/
To visit SNAP, please go to http://www.snapnetwork.org/
Natasha is holding a retreat in October. For more information please go to mormonmatters.org.
To see Natasha’s presentation at the Wichita Oasis on Principles of Sexual Health, you can find it here: https://www.facebook.com/WichitaOasis/videos/313996712726035/UzpfSTExMTk2NjQ0Mjc6MTAyMTMwOTU5OTUzNzA3NDg/
Thank you to all that have donated to Mormon Mental Health. To donate, please go here and consider
becoming a monthly supporter: www.mormonmentalhealth.org
Natasha Helfer Parker runs an online practice, Symmetry Solutions and writes at The Mormon Therapist for Patheos: Hosting the Conversation of Faith. She also hosts the popular podcasts, Mormon Mental Health & Mormon Sex Info and creates the sex educational resource, Sex Talk with Natasha.

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