144: Depression, Mormonism, and Faith Transitions Part 1

In light of a statement on LDS.org declaring, “An inability to feel the spirit … is often a symptom of poor mental health,” Natasha Helfer Parker, MFT CSTand John Dehlin, Ph.D. are joined by our guest Matt to speak about his experiences with Mormon faith crisis, depression, and suicidality—issues he has dealt with for 20 years.

According to Matt, it makes him angry to read that his struggles were a trial, test, or blessing from God, or that he could have been healed if he had more faith, prayed, or hadn’t “sinned.” Matt believes that religious observance is not a cure for mental health illness, and in these episodes, Natasha and John discuss how Mormonism, and in particular a faith transition in the context of Mormonism, can exacerbate the symptoms of depression.


Part 1: Natasha and John discuss depression and then introduce our guest, Matt

Part 2: Matt shares his faith transition and how it affected his mental health

Part 3: Natasha, John, and Matt discuss the LDS Church’s statement regarding mental health and the ability to feel the “Spirit”

Natasha will be in Houston the beginning of July and will be attending the Sunstone Symposium at the end of July where she will be presenting multiple sessions as well as have a booth that she encourages all to stop by. For more information, please visit her website: natashaparker.org




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