083: Sex Positivity in Mormonism – Part 1

Mormon Mental Health Podcast has partnered with Mormon Matters for the following production:

In this two-part episode, a wonderful panel of mental health professionals who also have certifications in or in the process of becoming sex therapists —Natasha Helfer ParkerShannon HickmanKristin Hodson, and Kristin Marie Bennion—join Mormon Matters host Dan Wotherspoon for a terrific discussion of the issues surrounding sex that are quite common in Mormonism, and among the general public. But, as the title of the episode suggests, the main focus is on the sex-positive messaging that exists in Mormonism, and how we can better include it in our own thinking about and experiences of desire and physical intimacy. How can we create a gospel-based value system that incorporates LDS teachings about the goodness of our bodies, and that sex is not just about procreation but also pleasure and connection and relational intimacy? How do we incorporate and find the proper balance between messaging about the spiritual aspects of human sexuality and the intense and bodily driven emotions and activities that are a key element of sexual fulfillment? The panelists also address LDS teachings about pornography, as well as finding healthy ways to integrate our sexual pasts with our present sex lives—everything from the messaging we grew up with and absorbed into our views about ourselves and our bodies, to guilt over past sexual experimentation, to healing from unwanted sexual advances, even abuse.

This is a powerful episode. Please listen and then join in the discussion in the comments section below!


Links to Items and Events Mentioned in this Episode:

“Intimacy in Mormon Marriage” Workshop, 28 December 2015, Orem, Utah. Co-sponsored by Mormon Matters and A Thoughtful Faith podcasts.
The workshop information and registration links are about half-way down front page. You can also learn about the workshop and register here.

Related writings by Natasha Helfer Parker:
Sexuality and the Mormon Marriage,” Segullah blog, 31 January 2011

Teaching Chastity to the Relief Society,” Mormon Therapist blog, 21 September 2013

The Healing Group, Kristin Hodson’s therapy practice website

Kristin Hodson, et al, Real Intimacy: A Couple’s Guide to Healthy, Genuine Sexuality (Cedar Fort, 2012)

Who Moved My Desire?“: A Support Group Exploring Female Desire

Dallin H. Oaks, “Recovering from the Trap of Pornography,” Ensign, Ocober 2015

What Should I Do When I See Pornography?“, LDS.org video for children

Kristin Hodson, “Ten Sex Positive Things Worth Noting in the LDS Church Video on Talking to Your Kids About Pornography,” Cultural Hall Podcast blog, 16 November 2015

Intimate Connections Counseling, Kristin Marie Bennion’s therapy practice website

Shannon Hickman Counseling, Shannon Hickman’s therapy practice website

The Birds and the Bees: Parent Education Event” flyer for Shannon Hickman workshop to be held 11 January 2016 in West Jordan, Utah

Taylor Petrey, “Toward a Post-Heterosexual Mormon Theology,” Dialogue: A Journal of Mormon Thought, Winter 2011

Utah Sex Therapy Association website

AASECT: American Association of Sexuality Educators, Counselors, and Therapists website

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