046: Sexual Offenders – How do we proceed?

Natasha Helfer Parker interviews John Simpson, a therapist who has worked with the forensic population for 30+ years – specifically those who sexually abuse women, men and children.  He has treated more than 1700 people who have been convicted of sexual assault, providing risk assessment, sentencing recommendations, psychological assessments and sexual offender treatment.  They discuss sex crime – what we know about it – some of the treatments that can be helpful to this type of population (including a program John developed which has had tremendous success in having people not re-offend) – and the implications for the communities they live in once not incarcerated.  They also specifically address some of the ways wards and stakes can work with their members to ensure safety for all, comfortable boundaries and education.  Please be aware that this topic can be triggering to those who have been assaulted – it may not be an interview some would be comfortable listening to.

Many thanks to The Lower Lights for the beautiful bumper music and to James Estrada of Oak Street Audio for audio production of this podcast.

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