044: Carol Boyer on Disabilities and Domestic Violence

Carol on 2-19-2014 1Natasha Helfer Parker interviews Carol Boyer of the Department of Labor: Office of Disability Employment Policy (ODEP).  They discuss a myriad of issues: from Carol surviving polio as a child, the importance of vaccinations, the impact chronic illness had on her family and faith, and complexities facing those with mental and physical disabilities.  Carol also speaks of her involvement on the Federal Partners Committee on Women and Trauma headed by ODEP and SAMHSA as co-chair.  She refers to the groundbreaking research called the “Adverse Childhood Experiences Study” which has made a strong impact in how we are beginning to address and provide trauma-informed treatment and resources.  With October being both the National Disability Employment Awareness Month and the Domestic Violence Month, this interview is timely.

Carol provides a multitude of resources helpful for us to be aware of.  Therefore, this interview will be particularly helpful for those in leadership positions within the church and employment specialists.

Disability Employment Policy Resources

Americans with Disabilities Act

Many thanks to The Lower Lights for the beautiful bumper music and to John Bukenas for audio production of this podcast.

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