081: Making Sense of the Research on Homosexuality – Part 4 Social & Psychological Factors

Bradshaw William 1411392933_10152815463582014_7668315943051521954_nThis is a Mormon Matters production – shared here at Mormon Mental Health Podcast with permission.

With the renewed conversation in Mormonism about homosexuality initiated by the November 6th policy changes, it has become clear that many
Latter-day Saints have never really been exposed tothe breadth of research conducted in the
past several decades about the biological and social factors involved in human sexual development, attraction, and identity, including homosexual orientations. It is also evident that many currently hold to older and largely disproved explanations about the causes of homosexuality and an individual’s ability to change her or his sexuality. In this four-episode arc of the Mormon Matters podcast, host Dan Wotherspoon is joined by microbiologist William Bradshaw, marriage and family therapist and certified sex therapist Natasha Helfer Parker, and psychiatrist Daniel Parkinson in an attempt to suggest the scope and summarize the findings of research into these questions.

Hefler-Parker_Natasha_smile1960136_10152170322578854_1811718199_nParts 1 & 2 (released 23 November) focus on the preponderance of research into the biological factors that play a huge role in our sexual orientations and identities, including sexual fluidity.

Parts 3 & 4 (forthcoming 24 November) tackle the sociological and psychological research. Part 3 addresses ideas that are often held by Latter-day Saints and others that homosexual orientation is caused by factors such as sexual abuse or early sexual experimentation, or certain personality traits of one’s parents. The panelists also address issues surrounding attempts to change one’s sexual orientation. Part 4 includes a continuation of these same issues as well as a focus on what’s happening in Mormonism today and what the panelists see as being the healthiest options given the new policies that do not, at this point, seem likely to change anytime soon.

Family Acceptance Project

SAMHSA Report: Ending Conversion Therapy: Supporting & Affirming LGBTQ Youth

AAMFT: Same Sex Parents and their Children

I’ll Walk With You Project

Mormons and Gays

Natasha Helfer Parker runs a private practice in Wichita, KS and writes at The Mormon Therapist for Patheos: Hosting the Conversation of Faith.

Donations to Mormon Mental Health are tax deductible and go directly to support the costs of producing the podcast.  If and when donations exceed these costs, they will go to support trainings, research, materials development, and financial support for those who need help affording appropriate therapy services.

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