027: Powerful Puberty: How Self-Care of Mothers Impacts their Adolescent Daughters – Part 1


Natasha Helfer Parker interviews Lilian Starling, CMT regarding a paper she presented at the 2013 national AASECT conference regarding how the self-care of mothers can impact their daughter’s developmental journey through puberty.  At puberty girls experience significant physician and emotional changes.  How to best support these changes remains uncertain.  Mothers who care for their own well being, who have support networks, and who feel comfortable in their own bodies are better equipped to support their own daughters and influence them towards healthy choices.

The first half of the podcast, Lilian reads her paper.  The second half of the podcast, Lilian and Natasha discuss the implications and ideas further, especially as they relate to Mormon women.  This discussion is limited mainly to the relationship between mother and daughter.  This by no means implies that the father/daughter relationship isn’t equally important or that there aren’t similar issues regarding our adolescent sons.

Lily Starling began her own adult rite of passage in the jungle of Belize, Central America at the age of 20 as an apprentice to a great traditional healing lineage. She is an entrepreneur, small business owner, educator, farmer, and writer for Medium. She grew up in the Catholic faith and is quite familiar with Mormon culture through important relationships in her life.  Her work is a lifelong study of holistic modern humanism, communication, and social justice. To learn more about ongoing development of rite of passage programs and retreats for all ages, follow her on Twitter @LilyStarlingCMT, or email her at lilystarling.cmt@gmail.com.

Many thanks to The Lower Lights for the beautiful bumper music and to James Estrada of Oak Street Audio for audio production of this podcast.

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